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Say NO to wardrobe disasters

Time to face facts. Your wardrobe is boring. You never know what to wear. You buy the same things from the same places and feel fat and frumpy. You have clothes in your wardrobe with labels still on them...time to get some help?

Singapore based Image Consultant and personal stylist Sharon Connolly will help you sort out your wardrobe and ensure you know how to look good. She'll provide colour analysis, personal styling, personal shopping and wardrobe weeding. Why wait any longer? - email NOW to book an appointment and start to look fantastic. After spending time with Sharon you’ll know what suits you, where to find it, and how to wear it to become more attractive, successful and confident.

You've seen What not to Wear, How to Look Good Naked and 10 Years Younger. Sharon can give you the TV make-over experience, without the TV humiliation. Choose the consultation that is right for you, pick up the phone or drop us an email and book the appointment that will change your life.

If you need help to know what colours to wear, what dress slims down your tummy or jeans that slim your thighs. If you can’t find clothes to fit in Singapore or want to look cool in this heat then Sharon will be delighted to meet you for a coffee to discuss how she can help you.

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